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Axolotl Class (Yr 5/6)


Welcome to Axolotl Class



Our teacher is Mrs Thomas and our teaching assistant is Mrs John. Mrs Dennett teaches us on a Wednesday ( alternating afternoons and mornings)


We share all our wonderful learning on Seesaw.  Please log in to your child's account to see what we are up to.

 Our theme for the Spring Term is 'Time Traveller'


Please click on the curriculum map below to find out what we will be learning.Our curriculum map gives a breakdown of the different subjects and the skills and knowledge we are covering this term.

In all of our learning we hope to provide the feeling of awe and wonder and the appreciated of the world we live in. The more we learn, the more we appreciate how lucky we are. 


We share information and images of your children via Seesaw so we encourage you to download the app and you will be able to see activities, photos and videos when they are uploaded. It is a lovely way to share the wonderful work your children do.





PE will take place on  Mondays and Thursdays . On these days please come into school wearing your PE kit  - you will not need to bring in a PE bag! Please make sure you are wearing the appropriate school  kit: house team colour top, black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers.Our sports coach, Mr Kingwell, teaches the Thursday afternoon session. 

Please  bring your reading books to school everyday. You have been tasked with reading for ten minutes each day at home to promote a love of reading. Please make sure you write a comment in your reading record book as I look at these each week to see how your reading at home is progressing. You will also have an 'Author's Journal' to collect ambitious vocabulary to use when writing in class. These need to be in school everyday.


Year Group Reading Spines - we have 50 recommended books for each year group to read, and your child will be able to choose the books that interest them. There is a real mixture of picture books, graphic novels and chapter books for all year groups. On top of the 50 recommended books, we also have a great variety of books that are year group linked




Light of the Week will be awarded on a Friday - what a lovely way to appreciate our shining lights! The following Friday the superstar has the opportunity to do a talk about themselves - it could be bringing in things to show, a PowerPoint presentation, sharing photographs, talking about themselves etc. It is a lovely way for you to shine!




For Term 1 your home learning is to read your reading books and to practise your spellings on a daily basis. As well as this, TTRockstars is a great way  to practise your times tables and it is great fun too!  From Term 2, Year 6  will be given  arithmetic homework to complete. This will be given to you on a Thursday to be completed and returned by the following Monday.


Spellings are on Spelling Shed and are updated at 8.30 on a Monday morning. They are also in the children's spelling books which need to be in school everyday. The children will have a spelling test on a Monday. The statutory word lists below are all the spellings Year 5/6 are expected to spell correctly by the end of Year 6 . I have attached the Year 3/4 word list too.

Here are some websites you may find interesting
