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Lemur Class (Yr 4/5)

Welcome to Lemur Class




Our teacher is Mrs Chamberlain, with Mr Solomon and Mrs Bond on Wednesdays, and our wonderful teaching assistant is Mrs Bunting.

Light of the Week

Each week, a Light of the Week will be chosen. The child will be chosen for being a true example of 'Being a Light for All to See'. A 'Shining Light' might be someone who has stood out for a piece of work or their behaviour; a 'Guiding Light' might be a child who has helped their friend or someone in need; a 'Leading Light' could be someone who is setting a fantastic example in what they do or say; and a 'Welcoming Light' could be someone who has made a new child or visitor feel safe and happy in our school.

Moments of Awe and Wonder


Our class names this year are creatures that make us gasp through their beauty, capabilities and evolution. Lemurs are endemic to Madagascar and nowhere else! There are over 100 species and they have all evolved independently on Madagascar over the last 40 million years!


I think this poem sums up how wonderful our world is. Wherever possible, in our learning, we make opportunities to take a moment to appreciate God's Creation.


“What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.


W.H. Davies



We share information and images of your children via Seesaw so we encourage you to download the app and you will be able to see activities, photos and videos when they are uploaded. You are welcome to message me and I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. 


We will be doing PE on Thursday mornings with Mr Kingwell from Up'n'Under, and Friday mornings, so all children will need to arrive on those days in appropriate kit. There is no spare kit to borrow so please ensure that your child is wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts or leggings with non-slip trainers or plimsolls. If the weather is cold, they may wear tracksuits or a hoodie. Multi-coloured gym wear or football shirts are not acceptable, I'm afraid.



Spring Term Curriculum Map 2024-2025

Autumn Term 2024-2025 Curriculum Map

Weekly Home-Learning

Spellings - these are on Spelling Shed and are updated at 8.30am on Monday mornings. They will be stuck in to the back of their Yellow Reading Record to practise at home. Tests are on the following Monday morning.


Reading - we would love it if your child reads to you or you read to them every night. We understand that this is not always physically possible but if you can do at least three listens per week, that would be great. It is a known fact that children's vocabulary and understanding is improved by reading everyday. Please talk to your children about their reading. It should be a pleasurable experience with a mutual enjoyment of storylines and characters. Question them about their understanding and make predictions about the next chapters.  



Year Group Reading Spines - we have 50 recommended books for each year group to read, and your child will be able to choose the books that interest them. There is a real mixture of picture books, graphic novels and chapter books for all year groups. On top of the 50 recommended books, we also have a great variety of books that are year group linked.



Readopoly Challenge - each child will be given a Readopoly Board and the challenge is to read 24 books in a year! After 5 books, they will receive a bookmark; after 10 books, they will receive a pencil; after 15 books, a certificate, and on completing the 24 books, they will receive a free book! In addition to this, they will receive a big shiny sticker every three books. 




Times Tables - please encourage your children to go on their TTrockstars login -they will show amazing improvement in their speed of recall. 



Year 4 children have an account with Doodlemaths and their own login. Daily 10-15mins practice is highly recommended.
