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Leonardo da Vinci Class (Yr 2/3)

Welcome to Leonardo da Vinci Class!




Our teacher is

Mrs Davidson

Mrs Dennett teaches us on a Thursday morning


Our teaching assistant is

Mrs Jennings


Useful information

PE - Our PE lessons will take place on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in appropriate PE kits on those days. Our school PE kit is black shorts or joggers/leggings, a plain white t- shirt and trainers for this autumn term. We ask that other gym wear and football shirts are not worn. 

Drinks and snacks - Please can all children bring a labelled, filled water bottle into school daily. Snack is now being provided by the Government for Year 2, so these children do not need to bring a snack into school with them each day.  Year 3 children will need to bring in a healthy snack for break time should they want one.

Seesaw - Seesaw is great resource that we use to communicate with each other and share lots of useful information. Sometimes, photos of your child's brilliant learning will be shared with you on Seesaw. You are also welcome to message me through the app and I will get back to you ASAP. 


Reading - All children are heard read every week, whether this is individually or as part of a reading group, where we share and discuss stories. The children will have opportunities to change their books or be provided with a new book every week as part of their shared reading session which they then take home. We would love it if you would read with your child as often as possible - it really does make a huge difference to their progress. It is a known fact that children's vocabulary, confidence and self esteem is improved by reading everyday. It would be great if you could take the time to discuss what they have read and ask questions using VIPERS.  Reading is not just about being able to decode the words but is also about having fluency, using expression and being able to understand what they have just read.  We are really grateful for your support in this area. We encourage all children to share a wide range of books with their families and not just their reading books. Therefore the children will be bringing home a Read to Me book if they are in Year 2, that they are able to choose and change every Wednesday. This is a book for you to read and share with your child. Year 3 Children are able to select a book from the Year 3 Reading Spine. These books are for your child to either read themselves or for you to perhaps read parts/ all of it together.

Spellings - Spelling lists will be sent home on Seesaw if your child is Year 2 or in their reading journals if they are Year 3. Year 2 Children will be tested on their spellings every Friday. The spellings may practise a particular phonic pattern, or be taken from their year group "common exception words" list of high frequency words that are tricky to spell. Year 3 will have their spelling tests on Monday and they will be given a Spelling Shed account that they can use at home to help them practise the spelling patterns. 

Phonics - Children have daily phonics sessions following the ‘Unlocking Letters and Sounds’ programme. Children learn through synthetic phonics, the teaching of writing in which particular graphemes (letters) and their associated phonemes (sounds) are decoded through segmentation to spell words. Children have daily sessions progressing through the phases within the ‘Unlocking Letters and Sounds’ progression document.
In Year 2, phonics continues to be revisited to ensure mastery of the phonetic code and any child who does not meet age related expectations will continue to receive support to close identified gaps. Once secure children move onto 'Spelling Shed'. The ‘Spelling Shed’ programme supports the teaching of spelling, embracing knowledge of spelling conventions, etymology, morphology, phonics and definitions of words. The programme is split into weekly spelling patterns, which are organised by year group; it also includes sessions on the common exception words and challenging spellings. The ‘Spelling Shed’ scheme progresses through the spelling patterns set out in the National Curriculum.

Curriculum Map for Spring/Summer 2024

Pure Sounds Phase 3

Still image for this video

Pure Sounds Phase

Still image for this video

Common Exception Words



Year 3 children have been provided with TT Rockstars and Doodle Maths accounts. These allow your child to practice the skills they are learning in a fun online way.  Children in Year 3 should already be confident in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and by the end of the year, be secure in their 3,4 and 6 times table.  Practicing there mathematical skills regualarly helps them to build fluency and confidence in their number knowledge.
