At Colerne Church of England Primary School, we recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects, we aim to give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires.
The aim of our science curriculum is to enable pupils to experience phenomena, broaden their scientific view of the world around them and develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas. We strive to promote a scientific curiosity, encouraging pupils to question the world around them and seek answers.
At Colerne Church of England Primary School, we implement a curriculum that allows the children to develop their scientific knowledge and understanding through enquiry and investigation. Wherever possible, we endeavour to provide a practical and hands-on approach to lessons, allowing children to experience the sciences that surround them in an engaging way. Through scientific learning, children develop an understanding of the uses and implications of science today and in the future. We provide opportunities to grow their science capital through links with parents, our local community and STEM ambassadors as well as Science Weeks. We use our school grounds and allotments to provide a real life context to apply their scientific knowledge and skills.
At Colerne Church of England Primary School, we follow the 2014 National Curriculum and the 2021 Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage, where children develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary that are progressive and build on prior learning. Our children begin their science experience in EYFS with informal investigations within the setting. Teachers facilitate children’s curiosity with open-ended questions and learning experiences which are both child led and adult led. In Years 1-6, science knowledge is taught on a two-year rolling programme to ensure mixed age classes cover all aspects of the science curriculum throughout their time at Colerne Church of England Primary School. Working scientifically is clearly related and taught through our teaching of the three main disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Children will reflect on previous learning and cross-curricular links will be made wherever possible. Big questions are included within the curriculum planning; these promote discussion and challenge children’s thinking.
The impact and measure of our curriculum is not only to acquire age related knowledge and skills but for the children to achieve their full potential in science, be curious, see themselves as scientists and never stop being amazed at the wonders our world has to offer.