Pupil premium
What is pupil premium?
Pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for pupils who may be at disadvantage in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils.
It is used to improve the educational outcomes for a child in terms of their:
Who is eligible for pupil premium?
The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools for pupils who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or who have been eligible at any point in the past 6 years. It is also allocated for children who have been looked after by the local authority continuously for more than 6 months as well as children who have been adopted.
You may be eligible to receive free school meals and funding for your child's school through the pupil premium if you receive one of the following benefits: Income Support. Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance. Income-related Employment and Support Allowance.
A smaller Pupil Premium grant is also allocated for children whose parents serve in the armed forces. Nationally, this group of children is not under-achieving compared to their peers but the premium enables schools to provide extra support including pastoral support where required. Children whose parents have left the Services since April 2011 (when the Premium was first introduced) will still be eligible, up to a maximum of six years.
How we use Pupil Premium at Colerne Church of England Primary school?
The range of provision the school provides for this group include and would not be limited to:
• Reducing class sizes, thus improving opportunities for effective teaching and accelerating progress
• To employ a ‘Catch up’ phonics champion for Years 1,2 & 3
• To allocate ‘Catch Up’ Teaching Assistants where need is assessed
• To employ an EYFS TA to ensure greater oracy input and smaller adult – children ratio
• Additional teaching and learning opportunities provided through trained LSAs
• Transition from primary to secondary and transition internally and into EYFS.
• subsidise all activities, educational visits and residentials. Ensuring children have first-hand experiences to use in their learning in the classroom.
• Support the funding of specialist learning software.
• To allow the children to learn a musical instrument.
• Behaviour and nurture support during lunchtimes by providing adults and activities to engage and promote our school’s values and thus enhance learning.
This list is not exhaustive and will change according to the needs and support our socially disadvantaged pupils require.