Most School Uniform can now be ordered online via the link on the 'Useful links' page on this website.
Please see below the school uniform requirements for Colerne CofE Primary School.
Please ensure all items of school clothing and PE kit are named
BOYS uniform
Grey trousers
White, red or bottle green polo shirt (with or without logo)
Red or bottle green jumper (with or without logo)
Grey shorts or trousers
White, red or bottle green polo shirt (with or without logo)
Red or bottle green jumper (with or without logo)
GIRLS uniform
Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers
White, red or bottle green polo shirt (with or without logo)
Red or bottle green jumper or cardigan (with or without logo)
Grey shorts/ skirt or trousers
White, red or bottle green polo shirt (with or without logo)
School dress in red or green gingham (with or without logo)
Sensible black footwear/black trainers. High heels or fashion shoes are not appropriate. On wet days, children may wear wellington boots to school but must change into their school shoes when indoors.
Jewelry and Watches
Watches may be worn to school. Other jewelry (hoop or dangling ear rings, necklaces etc.) should not be worn as it could provide a danger in PE or at playtime. We do allow children to wear ear studs.
Boys and Girls PE kit – (Updated Sept 2024 please read)
On days that your children have PE & Games we ask that they come in wearing their PE kit.
Black shorts or skort with house colour school T-shirt.
Trainers or pumps suitable for outdoor use.
A black tracksuit for outdoor wear is advisable especially in the colder months. All PE and Games sessions take place outside wherever possible.
House colour t-shirts are available to purchase from the SCOPAY uniform section for £2 per shirt.
Once you have paid for your order on SCOPAY please give at least 24hrs for orders to be processed by Mrs Cuthbertson and then all orders must be collected from the school office.
If you do not know your child’s house colour, please contact their teacher or the school office. The houses are Yellow Griffin, Blue Pegasus, Green Dragon and Red Phoenix.
School Uniform with logo
All school uniform with a logo can be ordered online via the link on the ‘useful links’ page on the school website.
Some items of pre-loved uniform can be purchased from the school PTA in the reception area of the school.