Our Eco-council meet regularly to discuss ways in which the staff, children and parents of our school can work together to help protect the environment, and more specifically our beautiful surroundings. One of the newest initiatives they have implemented is the recycling of used pens. As a school we get through a lot, so we are really pleased to be able to start this, especially as it will also raise funds for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance! Every class has a recycling box, which will be emptied once a term and taken to the recycling point in Chippenham. Please feel free to get your child to bring in your used pens from home to support this.
Some important dates for your diary:
Parish Council Community Litter Pick: Saturday 25th March 10.30am
Hedgehog Awareness Week: 1st - 7th May
Walk to School Week:15th - 19th May
Insect Week: 19th - 25th June
Keep checking back to see what else we are involved in!