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History Detectives Visit to The Newt, Somerset

The History Detectives recently enjoyed a visit to the excellent Roman Villa at the Newt in Somerset. Roman ruins dating back to 351AD were found during an excavation by archaeologists and so a team of architects, archaeologists and craftsmen recreated the Roman Villa on the site of the original one. Alongside this is, we explored the impressive museum showing some of the artifacts found and the original Roman baths. 


The Villa reconstruction shows what life was like for an upper-class Roman landowner in the 4th century AD. We explored the kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms as well as the indoor baths. We saw what types of food they would have eaten and how they were prepared. We also enjoyed some activities including mosaic making, weaving and archaeology. We really enjoyed the visit and are now going to share our knowledge and understanding of how the Romans lived in this country with the children in school when they learn about Roman life.
